Todd Louison
๐ง๐ปโ๐ปFull Stack Web Developer
Passionate about learning, tinkering, and automating.
Software Engineer @DrChrono, part of EverCommerce.
About Me ๐๐ป
Hi, I'm Todd! I'm a software engineer with 4 years of experience working on web applications built on Python/Django. I graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2020 with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science, with a concentration in Systems and Software.
In my free time, I spend a decent amount of it coding side projects in frameworks or languages that I think sound fun, but I also have a lot of hobbies that I love pursuing including photography, 3D printing, cooking, and gaming.
One of my more recent hobbies, I've fallen deeply into the rabbit hole of photography. I'm always walking around with a camera in my hand, and particularly enjoy portrait and pet photography with my friends and family.3D Printing
3D printing became a hobby out of necessity: I love smart home automation, but I needed mounts for my sensors. I started prototyping and custom printing models to fit the needs of the spots my sensors are in.Cooking
I've always had a love of cooking that was nurtured by my dad, an awesome chef himself. I really care about the science of cooking, and love experimenting with different cooking methods and flavors.Gaming
I've been gaming since my earliest memories, growing up a huge fan of Sonic. I play all types of genres: I've reached Legendary Eagle rank in CS:GO, I love story-driven single-player games, and I've played World of Warcraft since 2008.My Projects ๐ป
I wanted to spend some time learning how to program in Rust, and I thought a chess engine would be a fun but fairly complex way to dive into a larger project.
Check out chess-rust >Location Aware Lighting
A group project for an IoT class where we used three Raspberry Pi's to act as Bluetooth beacons. Their signal strength was read by a smartwatch and used to detect what room a person is in to turn lights on and off. I handled the network programming for the team.
Check out Location Aware Lighting >louison.dev
The source code for the website you're looking at right now! Built with Tailwind CSS and a hint of JavaScript.
Check out louison.dev >PackingHelperiOS
A work in progress iOS app designed to help reduce pre-travel packing anxiety. Created both to solve an issue I really struggle with, as well as a great excuse to learn more about Swift, SwiftUI, and SwiftData.
Check out PackingHelperiOS >